As a former American Kennel Club Canine Good Citizen Evaluator; and as the owner of six dogs and one cat, I understand the importance of a kind voice and a gentle touch when it comes to any pets emotional and physical well being. I have worked at high-end kennels and more basic local kennels and one fact remains the same at either; unless your pet is there on a regular basis s/he will have no idea why they are there. "Have I just been abandoned", "Are they coming back for me", "What did I do wrong"? You can literally see the questions and the fear in their eyes. Even the best of kennels are a traumatic experience for your fur baby. Nothing in the world of kennels even approaches the comfort, safety and security your pet feels in it's own home environment.
Our sitters are pet owners themselves. They have passed criminal background checks, drug tests and are bonded and insured by PETCARE Insurance, for you, your home and your loved one's safety, protection and peace of mind. Our insurance covers:
* $5000.00 in coverage if your animal gets sick, injured or expires while in our charge.
* $2,000,000.00 General Liability Aggregate
*And will even cover the cost of re-keying your home should the keys become lost.
We feed, water, let out to potty and love on them. We recommend 2 visits per day if you will be out for a full day. We are experienced with dispensing medications and at spotting health and safety issues before they become a more serious problem.
Mission statements – As far as pet sitting is concerned, to provide your fur baby with a safe, relaxed, worry free environment (their own home); while maintaining the same level of care, concern and love that they are accustomed to.